The Most Annoying Lesson Plan (Advanced)

ESL/EFL Level: C1/C2 (Advanced)
Lesson Topics: annoyances, customer service, etiquette
Skill Focus: Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary
Approximate Class Time: 1.75 hours
Lesson Plan Download: annoying-advanced-lesson-082024.docx
Lesson Overview:

  • After warm-up questions, students read a list of The 11 Most Annoying Things Ever. Students discuss each idea, indicating whether they agree or disagree that it is annoying. The list is 359 words.
  • The passage is followed by comprehension and follow-up questions and a vocabulary-matching activity. After vocabulary matching, students form discussion questions with the target vocabulary.
  • There are two debate topics. One is about people from the student's homecountry are more annoying than other people. The other targets the term 'overkill' and discusses whether the pandemic health measures were warranted.
  • The one roleplay activity plots two airplane passengers against each other, each who has complaints to make about the other's behavior.
  • The final speaking activity has committee members discuss complaints from university students and decide how to address them.
  • After famous quotations, the lesson ends with a review of vocabulary and collocations before presenting some final discussion questions.

A man turning down the volume on an annoying baby on an airplane (AI generated image)

ADVANCED (C1/C2) The Annoying Lesson Plan


  1. What’s something small that annoys you every day? How do you usually deal with it?
  2. How much of your day do you spend in these moods? happy, bored, annoyed, angry, stressed
  3. Prediction: You are about to read the “Eleven Most Annoying Things Ever.” What type of things do you think will appear on the list? Make a list of at least five annoying things.

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This lesson plan was created by Matthew Barton of (copyright). Site members may photocopy and edit the file for their classes. Permission is not given to rebrand the lesson, redistribute it on another platform, or sell it as part of commercial course curriculum. ChatGPT was used to generate answer keys and some famous quotations. For questions, contact the author.

Comprehension Question Answer Key

  1. This is debatable. It may suggest that the ease of modern life has lead people to focus on miniscule matters that are ultimately trivial. It could also suggest that technology today is both a creator of convenience and a source of annoyance.
  2. The main idea of the second last point is that people who want to portray themselves as easygoing often still want to control a situation. The final point argues that not having enough time is a regular annoyance .

Vocabulary 1-L, 2-I, 3-k, 4-a, 5-j, 6-c, 7-f, 8-g, 9-h, 10-e, 11-d, 12-b

Collocations 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c

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