Poems by Robert Frost (Advanced Lesson Plan)

ESL/EFL Level: Advanced (C1/C2)
Lesson Topics: poetry, nature, isolation, Robert Frost
Skill Focus
: Reading, Listening, Vocabulary, Speaking
Approximate Class Time: 1.5 hours
Lesson Plan Download: robert-frost-poetry-advanced-062023.docx
Lesson Overview:

  • This is the first lesson I've written about poetry. It includes four short poems by Robert Frost (The Road Not Taken, Fire and Ice, Acquainted with the Night, and Nothing Gold Can Stay), two of which can be listened to.
  • On the first two pages, students both listen and read poems by Frost. Afterward, they discuss a series of questions. Finally, students complete some vocabulary activities.
  • In the next section, students practice reading poems aloud. Next, there are three roleplays related to the themes of the three poems featured in the lesson.
  • Finally, the lesson ends with some discussion questions and a quick collocation review.

A snowy forest

ADVANCED (C1/C2) EFL Lesson Plan on Poems by Robert Frost

Warm-up Questions

  1. What do you like to read?
  2. What is your opinion of poetry?
  3. Who are some famous poets (or authors in general) from your culture?

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-- Lesson plan on Poems by Robert Frost written by Matthew Barton of EnglishCurrent.com (copyright), excluding the poetry of Robert Frost, of course. Site members may photocopy and edit the file for their classes. Permission is not given to rebrand the lesson, redistribute it on another platform, or sell it as part of commercial course curriculum. For questions, contact the author.

 Possible answers to comprehension questions:

  • This might be an indication of regret at having had to make the choice or at having made the wrong choice.
  • Desire can bring about anger and passion, which is associated with fire. It can also bring about indifference or feelings of numbness, which can be associated with ice.
  • The poem was written after WWI. …

 Vocabulary Answers: 1-a, 2-f, 3-h, 4-d, 5-c, 6-i, 7-g, 8-e, 9-b

 Collocation Answers: 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-e


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