Tag Archives: Capitalism
What Tom Whitwell Learned in 2023 (Advanced Lesson Plan)
An advanced (C1/C2) lesson on some ideas from a post on what Tom Whitwell learnt in 2023. Topics include homelessness and body image,.
Advertising & Manipulation (Advanced Lesson)
This lesson is based on a BBC video about how ads, particularly TV commercials, manipulate our emotions. (For C1/C2 speaking ESL classes)
The Lessons of History (Upper-Intermediate EFL Lesson Plan)
Upper-intermediate lesson on ‘The Lessons of History’ by Will & Ariel Durant. It includes reading, vocabulary & speaking activities.
Socialism: Entire Class Fails (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)
Free upper-intermediate lesson plan on socialism, capitalism, and communism. Includes warm-up questions, reading, vocabulary, and group work for ESL conversation class.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread (Advanced News Lesson Plan)
Free advanced news lesson plan about Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and abroad.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread (Upper-Intermediate News Lesson Plan)
Free upper-intermediate lesson plan about Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and abroad.