Tag Archives: Protests
Climate Change (Intermediate EFL Lesson)
An intermediate lesson on climate change/global warming, energy, and protesting. Includes speaking activities for ESL conversation class.
Climate Change (Advanced EFL Lesson Plan)
An advanced lesson on climate change/global warming, energy, & environmental activism. Includes speaking activities for conversation class.
Climate Change (Upper-Intermediate EFL Lesson Plan)
An upper-intermediate lesson on climate change, energy, & environmental activism. The ESL lesson includes speaking & vocabulary activities.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread (Advanced News Lesson Plan)
Free advanced news lesson plan about Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and abroad.
Occupy Wall Street Protests Spread (Upper-Intermediate News Lesson Plan)
Free upper-intermediate lesson plan about Occupy Wall Street protests in New York and abroad.
Syria Emergency Law Canceled But Protest Continues (Intermediate News Lesson)
Free intermediate ESL news lesson plan about recent protests and law changes in Syria.
Syria Emergency Law Lifted But Protest Continues (Advanced News Lesson)
Free advanced ESL news lesson plan about recent protests and law changes in Syria.