Language Focus: Comprehending tactful and diplomatic e-mails, giving constructive criticism, being assertive
English Level: Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate
Worksheet Download: Available on TPT
Sample Emails for Writing Tactfully and Diplomatically
Communicating tactfully and indirectly is an invaluable soft skill that some immigrants lack. I teach tactful communication nearly every session at my college. Below are some e-mail samples and comprehension questions I use in class. They focus on writing tactfully, being assertive, and giving constructive criticism. Other than the e-mails below, I recommend the following resources:
- Chapter 3 - Social Interaction from LINC Classroom Activities Volume 2
- Writing Exercises for Tone, Tact, and Diplomacy on English Current
- Being Tactful Speaking Activities on English Current
- How to Give Constructive Criticism (6 Helpful Tips) at
- How to Avoid an Angry Email Meltdown (see the excellent sample email at the end of the post)
Preview: Email Samples — Tactful Writing
Part A: Read the below email and its reply. Then answer the comprehension questions that follow.
Date: Friday, May 20, 2016
Subject: NOT AGAIN
This is Karen Dias from unit 811. Can u explain to me why the elevators are always broken down? Every time I'm in a hurry, they are out of service. I pay $600 a month in service fees to live in this building. Obviously I need to be able to get in and out of my unit.
Fix this ASAP.
I placed a call with the service company on Friday and the elevator was repaired on Saturday. Hopefully the issue will not happen again. If it does, however, please send me an e-mail and I will ask a technician to come out again to re-examine it.
I understand this can be frustrating and I appreciate your patience with this matter.
Robert Denysek
Queen Management
Comprehension Questions
- What is the relationship between the Karen and Robert?
- What is Karen's issue?
- True or False: Karen's rent is $600.
- Criticize Karen's email. Identify 3 issues (problems) with her e-mail. (3 points)
- How would you describe the tone in Karen's email?
- In one sentence, what has/did Robert done/do to address the issue?
- True or False: The issue may be resolved now.
- What strategies did Robert use to make his e-mail diplomatic? Identify two things. (2 points)
E-mail #1
To: Tina Sampson
From: Bernice White
Subject: Data???
Where is the data I asked you for? You said you'd send to me by yesterday, but you didn't.
If u don't send to me, my report will also be late, which will be your fault.
Send it ASAP.
Comprehension Questions
- What is the relationship between the Bernice and Tina?
- What is Bernice's issue?
- Criticize the mail. Identify 3 issues (problems) with her e-mail. (3 points)
- How would you describe Bernice's tone in her email?
To view the remaining materials, please see TPT.
- Matthew Barton / Creator of
Nice app
Need service related replying written
Need daily service email communication follow up anser business
Thank you for the words.
i have some issues regarding antecedent verification of our ex employee like it been stated by hr that experience certificate does not exist in our records and it really does not but endorsement has been that he remained our employee during this that year. upon asking further explanation employee state that letter issued ex hr personnel in front of some how to reply diplomatically
I’m not sure I understand the situation. Either way, I wouldn’t be able to write the reply for you. Try writing it and then showing it to a tutor. Best of luck.
The link for the worksheet download does not seem to work, as it is too short:
IT IS NOW: http://files/pages/writing/tactful-diplomatic-email-examples.docx (the address does NOT include the name of the host server)
Bartosz Poluszyński (Poland)
Thanks! Fixed
Dear Sir / Madam
English Current
Big appreciation ! I learned new ideas from your samples.
Thank you so much for making these available on the net.
Praying that God will bless you.
With warm regards
Rev Phijam Brojen Meetei
Imphal , India
+91 7085798974
Very helpful for my CLB 8 class for their practice. Thanks!
Ou puis-je trouver les r©ponses de ces exercices ?
Merci d’avance
Hello. There is no set answer key because the answers can vary. Is there a specific question you’d like me to help with?
Oui pour la r©daction des situations 1 et 2, pour ©crire les mails, j’ai du mal. Je ne sais pas comment m’y prendre !
Je souhaiterai aussi savoir si pour la premi¨re situation, c’est un email d’avertissement ou juste un email pour lui poser des question.
Merci par avance !
Hello. If you mean for the two writing prompts at the bottom (#1 and #2), then it would be best for you to write the e-mails then I can give you some feedback. Instead of writing your e-mail in a comment, you could write them in a forum post here: Then I can check. To review practices for writing tactfully, first review the resources above (listed under “Foreword”). Also, if you want to improve your written English, you should be writing in English with me (not French) :)