Tag Archives: Discrimination

Tuffs & Toughs (Intermediate Lesson on Social Class)

A lesson on social class and privilege centered on the 1937 “Tuffs and Toughs” photograph, focusing on speaking and vocabulary (B1/B2 ESL).

Tuffs & Toughs (Upper-Intermediate Lesson on Class & Privilege)

A lesson on social class and privilege centered on the 1937 “Tuffs and Toughs” photograph, focusing on speaking and vocabulary (B2/C1 ESL).

Tuffs & Toughs (Advanced Lesson on Class & Privilege)

A lesson on social class and privilege centered on the 1937 “Tuffs and Toughs” photograph, focusing on speaking and vocabulary (C1/C2 ESL).

Class, Caste, & Social Equality (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

A lesson on social equality & class structures based on a video about India’s caste system. Several speaking activities are included.

Class, Caste, & Social Equality (Advanced Lesson Plan)

A lesson on social equality & class structures based on a video about India’s caste system. Several speaking activities are included.

The Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Experiment (Advanced Lesson)

ESL/EFL Level: Advanced (C1/C2) Lesson Topics: discrimination, education Skill Focus: Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary Approximate Class Time: 1.75 hours Lesson Plan Download: elliott-discrimination-experiment-advanced-052024.docx Lesson Overview: After warm-up questions, students read a 298-word passage about Jane Elliott’s famous brown eyes/blue eyes experiment which she conducted to teach her grade class about discrimination. After a recall activity and comprehension […]

The Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Experiment (Upper-Intermediate)

A lesson on Jane Elliott’s Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes experiment that aimed to teach students about discrimination. This lesson is for B2/C1 levels.

The Gender Pay Gap (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

A video-based lesson from BigThink’s “Devil’s Advocate” series on the Gender Pay Gap. Includes speaking activities for ESL/EFL class.

The Gender Pay Gap (Advanced Lesson Plan)

An advanced video-based lesson from BigThink’s “Devil’s Advocate” series on the Gender Pay Gap. Includes speaking activities for ESL class.

Political Correctness (PC) Gone Mad (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

Free upper-intermediate lesson plan on political correct (PC) language and if PC has ‘gone mad’. Read online and download the ESL lesson plan for class.

Police Taser Blind Man (Intermediate Lesson Plan)

Free intermediate lesson plan about police tasering a blind man in the United Kingdom

Troy Davis Given Capital Punishment (Advanced Lesson Plan)

Free advanced lesson plan about Troy Davis and capital punishment (death penalty).

Troy Davis Given Capital Punishment (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

Free upper-intermediate English lesson plan about the execution of Troy Davis and capital punishment (the death penalty).

Topic: Affirmative Action (Upper-Intermediate ESL Lesson Plan)

Upper-intermediate lesson about affirmative action policies and diversity. Includes a debate and role-play for English conversation class.

Topic: Affirmative Action (Advanced ESL Lesson Plan)

Advanced English lesson plan about affirmative action policies and diversity. Includes a debate and role-play for English conversation class.