Tag Archives: Family

AITA Lesson on Interpersonal Conflicts (Intermediate)

ESL/EFL Level: Intermediate (B1/B2) Lesson Topics: interpersonal relationships, family, conflict resolution Skill Focus: Speaking, Vocabulary, Reading Approximate Class Time: 1.75 hours Lesson Plan Download: reddit-aita-intermediate-lesson-122024.docx Lesson Overview: After warm-up questions, students read a passage containing three abbreviated stories from the AITA  subreddit. Encourage students to read and discuss each story, assessing if the OP (original poster) […]

AITA: Am I the A**Hole? (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

A B2/C1-level lesson on three stories from the AITA (r/AmItheAsshole) Subreddit. The lesson focuses on speaking and vocabulary building.

AITA: Am I the A**Hole? (Advanced Lesson Plan)

An advanced ESL lesson on three stories from the AITA (r/AmItheAsshole) Subreddit. The lesson focuses on speaking and vocabulary building.

The Debate Over TikTok (Intermediate Lesson Plan)

ESL/EFL Level: Intermediate (B1/C2) Lesson Topics: the arguments for and against TikTok, social media, influencers, family time Skill Focus: Reading, Vocabulary, Speaking, Prepositions Approximate Class Time: 2 hours Lesson Plan Download: tiktok-debate-intermediate-lesson-072023.docx Lesson Overview: After warm-up questions, a pre-reading task asks students to brainstorm the arguments for and against TikTok. Next, students read a 324-word passage covering […]

The Debate Over TikTok (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

This lesson discusses the arguments for and against Tiktok. It has speaking activities about social media use, being an influencer, and more.

The Debate Over TikTok (Advanced Lesson Plan)

This lesson discusses the arguments for and against Tiktok. It has speaking activities about social media use, being an influencer, and more.

The Case against Pet Ownership (Intermediate Lesson)

A discussion of the ethics of pet ownership. The lesson includes speaking activities (role-plays & debates) about adopting and keeping a pet.

The Case against Pet Ownership (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

A discussion of the ethics of pet ownership. The lesson includes speaking activities (role-plays & debates) about adopting and keeping a pet.

The Case against Pets (Advanced Lesson Plan)

A discussion of the ethics of pet ownership. The lesson includes speaking activities (role-plays & debates) about adopting and keeping a pet.

Family Travels the World (Intermediate Lesson Plan)

A lesson on a Canadian family that traveled the world to create memories for their children. Includes role-plays and speaking activities.

Family Travels the World (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

A lesson on a Canadian family that traveled the world to create memories for their children. Includes role-plays and speaking activities.

Family Travels the World (Advanced Lesson Plan)

A lesson on a Canadian family’s travels around the world to create memories for their children. Includes role-plays and speaking activities.

Family Lesson Plan (Advanced C1/C2)

This advanced lesson focuses on trends related to the family, marriage, and reproduction. It includes 4 pages of ESL speaking activities.

“How to Grow Old” by Bertrand Russell (Advanced Lesson Plan)

Advanced lesson on Russell’s essay on how to grow old well. Includes reading, vocabulary & speaking activities for EFL conversation class.

Family ESL Lesson Plan (Upper-Intermediate)

An upper-intermediate lesson on the family, parenting, and marriage which includes roleplays, debates, and other speaking activities.

Topic: Family ESL Lesson Plan (Intermediate)

Lesson plan on the family for intermediate English level. Other topics include parenting & marriage.