Tag Archives: Privacy
The Debate Over TikTok (Intermediate Lesson Plan)
ESL/EFL Level: Intermediate (B1/C2) Lesson Topics: the arguments for and against TikTok, social media, influencers, family time Skill Focus: Reading, Vocabulary, Speaking, Prepositions Approximate Class Time: 2 hours Lesson Plan Download: tiktok-debate-intermediate-lesson-072023.docx Lesson Overview: After warm-up questions, a pre-reading task asks students to brainstorm the arguments for and against TikTok. Next, students read a 324-word passage covering […]
The Debate Over TikTok (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)
This lesson discusses the arguments for and against Tiktok. It has speaking activities about social media use, being an influencer, and more.
The Debate Over TikTok (Advanced Lesson Plan)
This lesson discusses the arguments for and against Tiktok. It has speaking activities about social media use, being an influencer, and more.
India Population Hits 1.21 Billion as Female Birth Rate Falls (Upper-Intermediate News Lesson)
Upper-intermediate ESL news lesson plan about India’s 2011 census, population increase, and the practice of feticide.
India Population Hits 1.21 Billion as Female Birth Rate Falls (Advanced News Lesson)
Advanced ESL news lesson plan about the findings of India’s 2011 census regarding population and the low female birth rate.