Tag Archives: Philosophy

Suffering & Epicureanism (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

A lesson based on a BigThink video about Epicureanism, suffering, and happiness.

Suffering & Epicureanism (Advanced Lesson Plan)

A lesson based on a BigThink video about Epicureanism, suffering, and happiness. The lesson has speaking activities for C1/C2 ESL class.

Milgram’s Obedience Experiment (Intermediate Lesson)

A lesson on Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience and authority. It includes speaking and vocabulary activities for intermediate ESL classes.

Milgram’s Obedience Experiment (Upper-Intermediate)

A lesson on Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience and authority. It includes speaking and vocabulary activities for advanced ESL class.

Milgram’s Obedience Experiment (Advanced Lesson Plan)

A lesson on Stanley Milgram’s study on obedience and authority. It includes speaking and vocabulary activities for advanced ESL class.

Escaping Reality to Avoid Life (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

ESL/EFL Level: Upper-Intermediate (B2/C1) Lesson Topics: Diversions, Escapism Skill Focus: Reading, Speaking, Vocabulary Approximate Class Time: 1.5 hours Lesson Plan Download: signs-escaping-reality-upper-intermediate-032024.docx Lesson Overview: After warm-up questions, students read a 241-word passage (based on this C2-level YouTube video) that describes six signs that people are avoiding reality. These signs describe ways that people dive into diversions […]

Escaping Reality to Avoid Life (Advanced Lesson)

A lesson based on a YouTube Video “Signs You Are Escaping Reality to Avoid Life.” The lesson includes speaking activities for C1/C2 ESL.

Hedonism & The Experience Machine (Upper-Intermediate)

An upper-intermediate lesson on a TED-Ed video about Nozick’s Experience Machine. The speaking-focused lesson discusses hedonism and reality.

Hedonism & The Experience Machine (Advanced Lesson)

An advanced lesson on a TED-Ed video about Nozick’s Experience Machine. This speaking-focused lesson discusses hedonism and reality.

Sam Harris on Free Will (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

An upper-intermediate lesson on Sam Harris’s view on free will. Includes speaking roleplays, debates, & vocabulary activities for ESL class.

Sam Harris on Free Will (Advanced Lesson Plan)

An advanced lesson on Sam Harris’s view on free will. Contains speaking roleplays, debates, and vocabulary activities for ESL/EFL class.

The Paradoxes of Life (Intermediate Lesson Plan)

This intermediate lesson focuses on life’s paradoxes. It includes a role-play, the prisoner’s dilemma, and other speaking activities.

The Paradoxes of Life (Upper-Intermediate Lesson)

This B2-level lesson focuses on paradoxes. It includes a discussion of the prisoner’s dilemma, a role-play, and other speaking activities.

The Paradoxes of Life (Advanced EFL Lesson)

A lesson on life’s paradoxes. Includes the prisoner’s dilemma, role-plays, and discussion questions for advanced (C1) ESL conversation class.

The Egg (Short Story) (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Lesson)

ESL/EFL Level: Upper-intermediate & Advanced Lesson Topic: Creation, the meaning of life, empathy Skill Focus: Listening, Vocabulary, Speaking Approximate Class Time: 1.25 hours Lesson Plan Download: the-egg-short-story-upper-intermediate-advanced.docx Lesson Overview: This lesson is based on a short (7:55m) but powerful animated short story by Andy Weir. The themes include creation, the meaning of life, family, reincarnation, and […]

“How to Grow Old” by Bertrand Russell (Advanced Lesson Plan)

Advanced lesson on Russell’s essay on how to grow old well. Includes reading, vocabulary & speaking activities for EFL conversation class.

Kurt Vonnegut’s Letter to High School Class (Upper-Intermediate)

ESL/EFL Level: Upper-intermediate Lesson Topics:  Kurt Vonnegut, creativity, the soul, banning books Skill Focus: Speaking, Reading, Vocabulary Lesson Plan Download: vonnegut-letter-upper-intermediate-01062022.docx Approximate Class Time: 2 hours UPPER-INTERMEDIATE Lesson on Vonnegut’s Letter to High Schoolers: Warm-up (Pair Work) What are your favorite books? Who are your favorite authors? Have you ever written an e-mail to a well-known […]

Daoism & The Chinese Farmer (Upper-Intermediate Lesson Plan)

Upper-intermediate lesson on Daoism & the Chinese farmer parable. Includes speaking, reading, & other activities for conversation class.

Meme: Imagine You Were Born in 1900 (Advanced Lesson Plan)

Free advanced lesson on the “Imagine you were born in 1900” meme (topics: Generational differences, perspective). Includes warm-up questions, reading, vocabulary, and group work for EFL conversation class.

Phoning It In (Upper-Intermediate/Advanced Reading Lesson)

A short reading lesson for ESL students interested in business topics. Students can answer comprehension, vocabulary, & discussion questions.

The Disease of Being Busy (Upper-Intermediate Reading Lesson)

A philosophical lesson plan about making time in life. The lesson includes reading comprehension, discussion, & vocabulary questions for ESL students on the ‘Disease of Being Busy’ by Omid Safi. Upper-Intermediate. Free download.