Whistleblower Urges UAP/UFO Disclosure (Advanced Lesson Plan)

ESL/EFL Level: Advanced (C2)
Lesson Topics: UAP (UFOs), whistleblowing
Skill Focus
: Reading, Vocabulary, Speaking
Approximate Class Time: 2 hours
Lesson Plan Download: PDF Sample | uap-whistleblower-grusch-advanced-062023.docx (for members)
Lesson Overview:

  • This is a news-based lesson on a recent story (from June 6th) about David Grusch, a former US intelligence officer who blew the whistle about the US government's clandestine UAP (UFO) program. After reading a summary of the story, students do a recall activity, comprehension questions, and then vocabulary activities.
  • For speaking activities, the lesson has a debate about whether governments ought to disclose classified information. For roleplays, students also enact a fun scenario about an extraterrestrial visitor who interviews a human and a whistleblowing scenario. As a bonus, there is also an activity in which students must decide whether to blow the whistle in three ethical dilemmas.
  • Finally, the lesson ends with discussion questions and a quick collocation review.

A desert road with a sign on the side containing the face of an alien

ADVANCED (C1/C2) EFL Lesson Plan on Whistleblowing & UFOs

Warm-up Questions

  1. Have you ever witnessed a phenomenon that you could not explain? Do you believe that we are “not alone”?
  2. Is space exploration a worthwhile pursuit for humankind?
  3. What does it mean to “blow the whistle” on a company? What do you think of people who do this?

Reading: Whistleblower Urges US Gov to Reveal UAP Evidence[1]

Sightings of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), popularly known as UFOs, have surfaced in recent years from credible sources such as navy pilots, which, in some cases, included leaked video of the experiences. This put pressure on the U.S. government, which published a report in 2021 admitting there have been 143 cases from 2004 to 2021 of UAPs observed by military pilots which cannot be explained, some of which that demonstrate advanced technology.[2]

In June 2023, U.S. intelligence officer David Grusch submitted a whistleblower complaint to the US government. Grusch has come forward with information obtained from numerous senior, former, intelligence officers who have worked on a top-secret “crash retrieval” program. According to his sources, the US government possesses intact and partially intact aircraft of non-human origin, and (as he suggests in an interview) likely the bodies of alien pilots. Grusch’s team, however, was refused access to the program. He has asked U.S. Congress to disclose information about the program. He also submitted what he claims is proof.

Another intelligence official, Jonathan Grey, corroborates Grusch’s claims: “The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone.” Other colleagues vouch for Grusch’s character. Karl E Nell, a retired army colonel, said Grusch was “beyond reproach.” Veteran journalist Leslie Kean states that she has multiple sources that support his story. She has not seen any high-quality images or evidence herself, but she understands that this information would be classified.

The news has renewed interest in UAP. For Grusch’s part, he claims he has faced retaliation from government officials. He left his role with US Intelligence in April after 14 years.

Reading Comprehension: Read, Recall, Retell

Spend a minute reviewing the passage. After, retell the ideas to a partner using your own words without looking at the passage.

Lesson on The UAP Whistleblower: Comprehension & Follow-up Questions

  1. Had you heard of the UAP report that was released in 2021?
  2. In your own words, what did Grusch “blow the whistle” about?
  3. What does Grusch want done?
  4. Karl E Nell says Grusch’s character was “beyond reproach.” What does this mean?
  5. True or False: Kean does not view the lack of high-quality photographic evidence as a reason to disbelief Grusch.
  6. Had you heard this story in the news? Do you think this is big news or just another UFO article?

Lesson Plan on The UAP Whistleblower: Vocabulary

Match the words with their meaning as used in the article.

1.     surface (v)

2.     credible (adj)

3.     leaked (adj)

4.     whistleblower (n)

5.     come forward (phr. v)

6.     retrieval (n)

7.     intact (adj)

8.     disclose (v)

9.     corroborate (v)

10.  vouch (v)

11.  beyond reproach (idiom)

12.  classified (adj)

13.  retaliation (n)

a.     a person who reveals illegal activities or confidential information within an organization, often for ethical reasons.

b.     to give a personal guarantee about someone's character.

c.     complete and undamaged

d.     describing ‘restricted’ information, often because of national security

e.     the act of recovering or obtaining something

f.      to confirm or support with additional evidence

g.     the act of responding to an action with harmful actions in return

h.     describing someone with a perfect character who cannot be blamed.

i.       able to be believed or trusted; reliable; convincing.

j.       referring to information that is released without approval.

k.     to voluntarily provide information (esp. in a situation when it would be difficult/risky to do so).

l.       to become known or appear, often after being hidden or secret.

m.    to reveal something that was previously secret

Homework: Circle the words that are new to you. Make sentences with them for homework.

Combine the below words to form a question. Replace the underlined phrase with a phrase (#1-13) from above. Then ask the questions a partner.

  1. You/ever/face/a harmful response to one of your actions/for/voluntarily providing information?


  1. What/factors/should/people who reveal illegal activities/consider/before/going public?


The UAP Whistleblower Lesson Plan: Disclosure Debate

Grusch described the government’s concealment of the program as “extremely unethical and immoral.”

Question: Does the US government (or others) have a duty to share its UAP data with the public?

Grusch: You believe the public deserves to know about such programs. Spend a few minutes thinking of reasons to support your argument. Begin when ready.

Deep state officer: You do not believe that the public should be told about certain UAP information. Spend a few minutes thinking of reasons to support your argument. Grusch will go first.

The UAP Whistleblower Lesson Plan: The Visitor

Situation: An extraterrestrial (alien) has made contact with a human.

Extra-terrestrialYou are visiting Earth on a mission. You know the planet has many problems. Your species is trying to decide whether to help save humankind or to destroy it and take over the planet. To make your decision, you have decided to interview one human. Please ask these questions (and others if you like). Judge each answer. Afterward, make your decision.

1.     Please tell me, briefly, about human history. Has it mostly been peaceful?

2.     What do you feel are the main values that drive humankind? What do people think is most important in life?

3.     What is the biggest threat to humankind and how will you solve it?

4.     Do you have faith in humanity? Can people work together to make the right decisions?

5.     Can you share any stories, e.g. ones of kindness or empathy, that show the good side of humans?

6.     How advanced is your planet’s defense technology? (just curious)

HumanTry to answer the extraterrestrial’s questions to the best of your ability.

The UAP Whistleblower Lesson Plan: Role-plays

Choose a role below and read only your role.

Partner A: You and Partner B are married. Partner B has a great career. Lately, your partner has been complaining about issues at work. You don’t want her to do anything extreme (like quitting) because her/his income is very important to your family (you have just bought a house). (Partner B will start)

Key phrase: Let’s not rock the boat too much.

Partner B: You and Partner B are married. You have a great career and reputation in your field. However, last week, you learned your company is involved in unethical activity (think of something, e.g. child labor, financial fraud, discrimination, etc.). You are considering blowing the whistle. Talk to your husband/wife (Partner A) and get advice.

Key Phrase: Someone has to come forward about this.

Whistle-blowing ESL Lesson Plan: Dilemmas (Group work)

Would you blow the whistle and tell the public in these scenarios? Why or why not?

  1. You work as a scientist at a secret research facility focused on space exploration. During an experiment, you discover evidence of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization trying to communicate with Earth. Your leadership insists on keeping this information classified.
  2. Senior Officer John Stedman has been a high-ranking officer for 39 years and has a character that seems beyond reproach. He is set to retire next year in a big ceremony. Last week, however, your colleague, a young female officer, told you that Stedman had been making inappropriate sexual comments towards her and even touched her inappropriately once.
  3. It is 1945. You and other famous scientists have joined a top-secret research program tasked with developing something called an atomic bomb. The more you work on it, the more you understand the terrible consequences the weapon could have. You are unsure whether to continue.

 Quick Collocation Review

1.      leaked

2.      intelligence

3.      non-human

4.      to vouch

5.      beyond

6.      to face

7.      to rock

a)      officer

b)      origin

c)      reproach

d)      retaliation

e)      the boat

f)       for (something)

g)      video

Other Discussion Questions

  1. If an extraterrestrial visited Earth, what do you think it would find most confusing?
  2. What question would you like to ask an extraterrestrial from an advanced society?
  3. How do you think humanity will end? 

-- Lesson plan on The UAP Whistleblower written by Matthew Barton of EnglishCurrent.com (copyright). ChatGPT helped in creating some ideas for this lesson and providing answer keys. Site members may photocopy and edit the file for their classes. Permission is not given to rebrand the lesson, redistribute it on another platform, or sell it as part of commercial course curriculum. For questions, contact the author.

Possible answers to comprehension questions:

  • Grusch blew the whistle about a top-secret "crash retrieval" program, claiming that the US government possesses aircraft of non-human origin and possibly the bodies of alien pilots.
  • He wants the US Congress to disclose information about the program and share the details publicly about non-human intelligence.
  • This means that Grusch’s character should be completely free of criticism or suspicion.
  • She understands that the information would be classified.

Vocabulary Answers: 1-L, 2-i, 3-j, 4-a, 5-k, 6-e, 7-c, 8-m, 9-f, 10-b, 11-h, 12-d, 13-g

Collocation Answers: 1-g, 2-a, 3-b, 4-f, 5-c, 6-d, 7-e


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