Essay Template Description:
It's important that students write an outline before they begin their essay writing. A solid outline is key to ensuring students follow the standard essay-writing structure and stay on topic.
This is a simple template I have my students complete before they begin writing their five-paragraph academic essay.
The essay template includes sections for the following.
- Thesis statement
- Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Body Paragraph #2 Topic Sentence
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Body Paragraph #3 Topic Sentence
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Supporting Detail
- Conclusion
- I have put the third supporting detail section in each body paragraph in brackets, since it may not be needed if the first two points support the topic sentence sufficiently (this is my opinion).
- I have not put a blank field for the conclusion section, since the student is merely meant to restate the thesis statement in a fresh way and include a So What? idea that indicates why the topic is important.
Feel free to edit the essay template as you'd like.
Essay Template Download: five-paragraph-essay-outline-template.docx
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- Matthew Barton / Creator of
Thank you. Love this template for my students.
Thank you. I also love this template for my students
Thank you this template is very good..and I understand now
Thank you for the outline…. would you consider providing examples of topics ? Just a thought… Once again, thank you
Here are some topics you could write an essay on:
i think it is very good. but like someone else said would you give more examples, but thank you verry much
so this is where my teacher gets her lesson plans. XD thanks this will help when i constantly lose my work.
This is a great template for 5-paragraph essay outlines. It is easy to follow and provides a good starting point for writing your own essays.
They are over 100 fields of fun and exciting types of science including Biology, Archeology chemistry and SO much more. However, the one field of science that really fascinates me, is Astronomy. Ever since I was like six years old I was always so curios about our world, the other planets, black holes, and how things worked and formed in space, which is what really got me in to space. Then I realized there were types of scientist that study this particular branches of science, and they are called Astronomers. Astronomy is defined as the celestial objects, space, and the physical world as a whole. Astronomy is actually one of the OLDEST fields of science. Through out the years, people have utilized astronomy to learn about the universe, our own planet, and even make predictions about life its self. Understanding astronomy requires a great understanding of it’s origins, and the numerous groups and cultures that used it, which is why astronomers usually work for university’s or research institutions. In order to succeed in Astronomy you will need a PHD in physics and math, analytical thinking skills and the ability to think clearly using logic and reasoning. Somethings that i find inserting about Astronomy is the physics behind it and like how things are formed/created, like stars, black holes, the Big-Bang theory, galaxy’s, and so much more. Last but mot least, Astronomy actually makes a huge deference in our would because with out Astronomers to build up theory’s and Laws, there is so much stuff that we would not know, and will be left a mystery. In addition, Even our ideas about the future of Earth were shaped by astronomers’ observations of the runaway global greenhouse effect on Venus — and what it meant for climate change on our own planet. We have also been exposed to Astronomy since birth as it determines our Zodiac signs.