The Difference: On the other hand vs. However

(Background: As a teacher, I have sometimes noticed a slight difference between the use of on the other hand and however. After doing some thinking and research, I believe I can finally explain it.)

The conjunctive adverbs however and on the other hand are used to show contrast (difference), but their meanings are not exactly the same. Let's start with the easiest word, however.

Using 'However'

However can be used between ideas that contrast. In this sense, however is similar to the conjunction but (except that however is an adverb, so it cannot join two clauses).

I want to buy a new laptop. However, I don't have enough money. (positive idea contrasting with a negative one)

I don't like sushi. However, you love it. (negative idea contrasting with a positive one)


Using 'On the Other Hand'

This phrase is used to present two different views or options about an issue. Both views may be valid. In other words, one idea should not refute or cancel the other one out. Here's an example:

Correct: We thought it would be a nice day. However, it rained.

Incorrect: We thought it would be a nice day. On the other hand, it rained.

You should not use On the other hand here because the idea in the second sentence ("it rained") shows that the first idea ("it would be a nice day") was false. This means the first idea is canceled (refuted) by the second idea. Therefore, the sentences do not present two valid views or options.

Correct: I wrote down my answer. However, I later realized that my answer was incorrect.

Incorrect: I wrote down my answer. On the other hand, I later realized that my answer was incorrect.

Again, the second sentence ("I realized my answer was incorrect") shows that the first idea was false, and therefore, not a valid option anymore.

Image of two hands

Our hands present actual options.

When something is on one hand or the other hand, that means it is a valid option, e.g: "On the one hand, we could take the car, but on the other hand, we could walk." When you clearly show that one option is not possible, then you would take it off that hand. It makes no sense to consider two options on your hands when one is not possible.


  • Both however and on the other hand are used to show contrast between ideas.
  • If one statement refutes the other, you should not use on the other hand.

I admit that the difference between these two phrases is small and only seen in this case. If you have questions, please leave a comment below.

Quiz: However vs. On the other hand

1. I woke up in a panic because I thought it was Monday morning. , it was still the weekend.

Answer & Explanation

However -- you cannot use on the other hand here because the first thought (that it was Monday) is shown to be invalid.

2. Peter wants to become a doctor. , he's not sure that he's smart enough.

Answer & Explanation

However / On the other hand (both are possible) -- the idea that he wants to be a doctor is not canceled out by his uncertainty.

3. We couldn't find our dog anywhere so we were starting to get worried. , our neighbour found him in his yard, thankfully.

Answer & Explanation

However -- you cannot use on the other hand here because the first thought (that our dog was lost) is shown not to be true because your neighbour found him.

-- Written by Matthew Barton of (copyright)

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21 comments on “The Difference: On the other hand vs. However

  1. Anonymous (Posted on 11-18-2020 at 13:53) Reply

    Thank you!!

  2. anjali krishna kt (Posted on 12-9-2020 at 07:27) Reply

    thank you so much

  3. LY (Posted on 3-26-2021 at 10:16) Reply

    Thank you.

  4. Kamronbek (Posted on 10-17-2021 at 10:18) Reply

    thank you, for your description

  5. Anonymous (Posted on 10-31-2021 at 06:07) Reply

    thank you so much

  6. Anonymous (Posted on 9-3-2022 at 11:38) Reply

    This is really useful!!! Thx!!!

  7. Hana (Posted on 10-1-2022 at 02:09) Reply

    That was helpful thank you.

  8. adg (Posted on 6-2-2023 at 14:37) Reply

    Crisp and clear explanation!!

  9. Louis (Posted on 6-15-2023 at 08:05) Reply


  10. P. Bas (Posted on 8-11-2023 at 10:06) Reply

    I notice that you use “but” and “on the other hand” together. Is it normal to use them both while they belong to the contrast connectors?

    1. mb Post author (Posted on 8-11-2023 at 12:12) Reply

      Hello. Yes, though they had similar meanings, ‘but’ is a conjunction, so it is needed to join the clauses. In this case, ‘but, on the other hand, ‘ is similar to ‘…, and furthermore, ”’. Both words have the same meaning, but function different grammatically (‘but, ‘and’ being coordinating conjunctions, while ‘furthermore’ and ‘on the other hand’ are merely adverbs).

  11. Mike (Posted on 3-20-2024 at 10:39) Reply

    She likes walking to school.On the other hand,her father doesn’t have to drive her.

    She doesn’t like walking to school . Howerver, her father has no time to drive her today.

  12. Kahangpam Chithung (Posted on 3-21-2024 at 09:32) Reply

    Thank you. For helping me in clearing my doubt.

  13. Kahangpam Chithung (Posted on 3-21-2024 at 09:37) Reply

    I want to join tomorrow in the fashion show of our class participation in the farewell to BD final year. However, I feel shy infront of crush to go fashion show.

    1. M.B. (Posted on 3-21-2024 at 15:32) Reply

      The use of ‘However’ here is correct.

  14. Fiery Jack (Posted on 5-1-2024 at 18:41) Reply

    I think that another important point about ‘On the other hand’ might be that that it can only be used to contrast two aspects of one person, place, or thing. For example, when saying ‘The train is fast. On the other hand, it’s really expensive’, you’re saying something positive and something negative about the same method of transport. This is correct English.

    It would also be correct to say ‘The train is fast. However, its really expensive.

    However, we can’t say ‘The train is fast. On the other hand, the car is more convenient.’ because the contrast is between two different methods of transport. ‘However’ would be needed here because, in addition to showing contrast between two different aspects of the same thing, it can be used to show contrast between two different things, albeit these two things would need to be thematically linked.

    1. M.B. Post author (Posted on 5-1-2024 at 20:53) Reply

      I hear what you are saying, but I feel that the example “The train is fast. On the other hand, the car is more convenient.” would be possible for someone considering two possible transportation options. Each hand holds one option, each of which the speaker is deliberating over.

  15. Kiros Gebreselassie (Posted on 6-4-2024 at 07:16) Reply

    Hello, my dear help me with this question. I can’t be sure about the answer.
    It is true, this is time consuming ————–, it brings in a lot of money. You know how much they pay him? A million birr!
    A, however B, but in fact C, eventhough then D, but on the other hand

    1. M.B. (Posted on 6-4-2024 at 08:21) Reply

      You haven’t used proper punctuation so it is hard to use that as guide. I would say A, B, and D are all possible.

  16. Lori (Posted on 2-3-2025 at 12:51) Reply

    Hi Matthew, your post is very helpful! I have a specific question. I find it is ok to use ‘on the other hand’ in the following paragraph because the two statements do not cancel each other out. On the other hand, I also feel like the sentence is a bit weird since there are many contrasts. I was wondering what you think. Thanks!

    Working individually and working collaboratively both has advantages and disadvantages. Working individually gives you more freedom in your schedule, while collaborating in a team allows for more ideas from others. On the other hand, working individually may be boring, whereas when collaborating in a team, other team members might disturb you in some ways.

    1. mb__ (Posted on 2-3-2025 at 13:11) Reply

      Yes, that’s confusing. Your structure is basically: A, but B. B, but A. I would rewrite the whole paragraph. After the topic sentence, mention the two benefits of working individually. Then add ‘On the other hand’, and add the two disadvantages.

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